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20th ROMP! Festival of Dance JULY 2017

21st ROMP! Festival of Dance JULY 2018



Programs (as available):



Dance on Film / Dance Installation

Aerialist / Urban Spectacle Dance

ROMP! in the PARK




We are now accepting submissions to the 20th ROMP! Festival of Dance, July 2017 & 21st ROMP! Festival of Dance JULY 2018. 


Applicants may apply between Sept 1 - Oct 15, 2016. Dance artists (choreographers, companies, dancers, filmmakers, visual artists, writers) may submit work for consideration by completing and submitting an online application only.


As a multi-media dance festival responsive to opportunities, the format and programs available through ROMP! shift from year to year. In 2017 & 2018, there are several ways to be part of the program. Artists are invited to apply to four main areas: 

  • Aerial or specialized dance; 

  • Live performance for indoor and/or outdoor stages; 

  • Visual art exhibition or media installation; 

  • Dance on film.


1 - Please fill out the online application completely and press SEND, on or before October 15, 2016. Please note: if accepted into the Festival, the text submitted will be used for our program, media, and web content. Please be accurate and concise – you must adhere to the specified word-count.


2 - Send via post or online: 

- your support material (DVD or link (preferred) to a digital file (Youtube; Vimeo) of the proposed work;

- promotional images on CD or via link/email;

- a cheque or money order for $40.00* as a processing fee made out to Suddenly Dance Theatre *You may pay online via the link below. This fee is not required if applying only to the following programs: Present/Tense; visual art exhibition; dance on film.



MUST ARRIVE on or before October 15, 2016


Send to:

Suddenly Dance Theatre P.O. BOX 8184 Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3R8


 - Cheques/Money Orders/Online Payments (below) accepted. Applicants outside of Canada must send a money order or pay online.


- All support material must be labeled with your project title, name, and contact number. Materials will not be returned. Do not send your submission in a fibre-filled envelope. 


- Works may be of any length. All applications require a DVD or link to a digital file (Youtube; Vimeo) of the proposed work. Works-in-progress are accepted, but not encouraged. Do not send an excerpt. We have to be able to see the whole piece. Only edit the submitted video if you are good at editing, and that it is serving the communication of the work. 


- It is to your benefit to submit promotional photos along with your application. If your work is selected for the festival, these photos will be used for media releases and will be considered for poster/program design. By submitting photos, it is understood the Applicant has received permission from the Photographer, that the photos will be used for the promotion of the Festival, and that there will be no payment for the use of these photos. Photographers will be credited, where possible. 


- All applicants will be notified of status via email on or before Nov 15, 2016. Your contact will be added to our database.


- Applicants are responsible for any royalty fees payable for music, scripts, film, or other materials used in public performance. Permission from the Applicant’s union or professional association (where applicable) must be obtained to perform the work in the Festival. Applicants from outside of Canada are responsible for international performance fees, visa/work permit arrangements and costs (if applicable). 


- We promote as priority the name of the Choreographer of the work. For Dance on Screen, we promote the name of the choreographer and director. There is not always room to advertise the names of all performers, though we attempt to where possible.


- Dance on Film/Video is presented within special indoor or outdoor programs and/or intermixed within live programming. We encourage shorter works, 2-8 minutes in length, though we accept longer, specialty works, or installed loops. 


- For Visual Artists: We are looking for special dance-themed visual art works. Please email a maximum of 6 images or movie files (jpgs, tiffs, mov. etc) for consideration. Works should express the mapping of movement, imagined energies and/or the body; in any media. Installation, mixed media or site-specific works is encouraged.


Artist Fees: Performing Artists will be offered artist fees and contract depending on size/type of the work/program. Present/Tense is by honorarium only presented in the spirit of collaboration. Exhibition fees and tech costs may be available for Dance on Film/Video or Dance media installations.


- Travel and per diem funds are not available at this time; nor can we guarantee accommodation. Applicants are encouraged to pursue funding from other sources for travel, accommodations, per diems, and any other costs. If you apply for a travel grant or other funding you must have back-up plans in case you don’t get it. A Letter of Invite for grant purposes is available upon timely request. If a supplementary contribution towards travel, per diem and/or accommodation becomes available through our funding, the artist will be notified.


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